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Employer Nomination Scheme Visa
September 4, 2024
By MaxiMax
How Many Points Do You Need for a 186 Visa?
The Employer Nomination Scheme Visa, also referred to as Visa 186, is intended to enable skilled individuals to permanently reside and work in Australia.  As it requires an employer's nomination, it may be more challenging to obtain compared to some other visa options. Nevertheless, the prospect of gaining permanent residency makes this visa a worthwhile […]
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Apply for an Australia Visa
July 9, 2024
By MaxiMax
How to Apply for an Australia Visa?
Australia is a great place to visit or work with its beautiful outdoors, cities and friendly locals. But first you need a visa, which allows the government to check out anyone coming in. The application process takes time and paperwork, but following the correct steps increases your chances of approval. This guide provides a straightforward […]
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Student Visa 500 Requirements
May 14, 2024
By MaxiMax
How to Meet the Australian Student Visa 500 Requirements?
For those seeking excitement overseas, Australia offers endless opportunities. However, meeting the necessary visa requirements to enter this country requires careful attention and diligence. Do not worry - with a well-thought-out plan and determination, your objectives are still achievable. Applicants must adhere to the Immigration Office's specifications in order to be eligible for a visa […]
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Phone: +61 488 851 108
Email: melbourne@maximax.com.au
Address: Level 1, 2 Queen Street Melbourne, VIC 3000
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