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Health Insurance

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Student Services
Health Insurance

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

OSHC is a health insurance that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship requires overseas students to maintain for the duration of time they are in Australia. Allianz Care Australia OSHC, Bupa and Nib are some OSHC service providers in Australia. For further information please visit the Department of Immigration & Border Protection website or Contact Us.

Overseas Visitors Health Cover (OVHC)

OVHC is similar to OSHC but instead it covers medical cost of visitors coming to Australia for business or travel purpose. Allianz Care Australia OVHC, Bupa and IMAN are some OVHC service providers in Australia. For further information please visit the Department of Immigration & Border Protection website or Contact Us.

Student Services

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Book an appointment online with our Consultant

Phone: +61 488 851 108
Email: melbourne@maximax.com.au
Address: Level 1, 2 Queen Street Melbourne, VIC 3000

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